
The Final Ascent

The sun barely peeked over the horizon, casting a pale orange glow on the untouched expanse of snow. In the shadow of towering peaks, an unnamed mountain stood tall, its summit a whisper among the giants. Arjun had been climbing for hours, his breath steady and his resolve unwavering. This was not just another ascent; this was to be his final climb. Arjun's life had been a tapestry of high-altitude adventures, each thread woven with memories of triumph and loss. The mountains had always been his sanctuary, a place where the noise of the world fell away, leaving only the rhythm of his breath and the crunch of snow beneath his boots. Today, however, he sought more than the summit's solitude; he sought an end. The climb was arduous, the air thinning with each step. Yet, Arjun moved with a grace born of experience, his mind focused on the path ahead. The peak loomed closer, its jagged edges silhouetted against the morning sky. He reached the summit just as the first rays of sunligh


Helena Roerich, a visionary philosopher and writer, spent her last years in the serene hills of Kalimpong, where her journey on earth came to a peaceful end. Last week, I had the privilege of visiting her grave, located next to the sacred Durpin Gompa, a site as tranquil and inspiring as her teachings. Her epitaph, a simple yet profound tribute to her life's work, echoes the spiritual depth and intellectual legacy she left behind. Reflecting on her final years in this secluded retreat, one can truly appreciate the profound impact of her wisdom and the tranquillity she sought through her deep connections with the mysteries of the East.

Memories of a road after the South Lhonak GLOF

In the heart of North Sikkim, the picturesque town of Lachen is currently facing unprecedented challenges after the catastrophic Glacial Lake Outburst Flood (GLOF) from the South Lhonak Glacier Lake on October 4, 2023. As a result of this natural disaster, the vital road connecting Munshithang and Phiring near Chungthang remains impassable, isolating the local community and forcing residents to carve their own trail through the rugged terrain. In a display of sheer resilience and determination, the community members have come together to create a makeshift path, defying the odds imposed by nature. Recently while trying to reach Lachen from Chungthang, I captured a series of video clips vividly showcasing this trail. The trail, weaving through the breathtaking landscapes tells a powerful story of human spirit, adaptation, and survival strategies in the face of adversity. This footage not only captures the challenges faced by the locals but also highlights the indomitable spirit that thr

On the Shore of the Unknown Pond

The old adventurer sat in his study, surrounded by worn maps, faded photographs, and dusty artifacts from distant lands. The weight of time bore heavily upon his weary shoulders as he stared out the window, his gaze fixed on the horizon that seemed forever out of reach.  The Retired Adventurer, Image courtesy:  Once, he had roamed the vast wide-open wilderness, a free spirit in search of the unknown. He had traversed deserts, scaled mountains, and sailed across treacherous seas. Every step brought a new adventure, a new story etched into his weathered skin. But now, his body had grown frail, his legs weakened by the relentless march of time. His wanderlust had been confined to the fading memories that flickered like distant stars in the recesses of his mind. Each day, as the sun rose and set, the question echoed in his thoughts: when will he travel again? It haunted him, an ever-present ghost that whispered in his ear, reminding him of his limitations. The society in which

অচেনা মানুষের অকারণ কৈফিয়ৎ

(এই লেখাটি বিকাশের অসুখের পরের পর্ব। পাঠক যদি  'বিকাশের অসুখ' পড়তে চান তাহলে এই লিংকে যেতে পারেনঃ )  অচেনা মানুষের অকারণ কৈফিয়ৎ  ১ “বলো তবে, অদ্ভুত অচেনা মানুষ, কী ভালবাসো তুমি? আমি ভালবাসি মেঘ, চলিষ্ণু মেঘ…উঁচুতে…ঐ উঁচুতে… আমি ভালবাসি আশ্চর্য মেঘদল।”  - ( বুদ্ধদেব বসুর অনুবাদে ধরা দেওয়া বোদলেয়ারের দ্য স্ট্রেঞ্জার কবিতার শেষ কটি লাইন)   এতদিনে বেশ বুঝে গেছি রাজনীতি আমার জীবনে কখনও আলোচনার বিষয় ছিল না। ইদানীং, কখনোসখনো বিজ্ঞের মত দেশের ও দশের সম্পর্কে কিছু বিড়বিড় করে বলে বসলেও, এটা ঠিক যে আপনাদের সমাজ গোল্লায় গেলে আমার কিস্যু আসে যায় না। আপনাদের শিক্ষিত, প্রগতিশীল, আধুনিক মানব সভ্যতায় আমার বেশ অরুচি। কারণ, আমার দৃঢ় বিশ্বাস আপনাদের অসুখ বেশ গুরুতর এবং  আমার কাছে সেই অসুখের একমাত্র অ্যান্টি-ডোট আমার অ্যাডভেঞ্চার-নিষ্ঠতা।  বিগত বিশ বছরে একটা প্যাটার্ন আমার নিজের জীবনে আমি লক্ষ্য করেছি। পর্বতারোহণের পরিচিত বৃত্ত যখনই অসহ্য হয়ে উঠেছে, তখনই ভেসে গেছি ভবঘুরেমির ভেলায়, আবার কিছুদিন পরেই ফিরে এসেছি সেই পর্বতারোহণে। ভবঘুরেমির ত

Maya and Pema go climbing - a short story

Maya and Pema go climbing ~ a short story  § Last night Maya stands in her room, anticipation coursing through her veins. Tomorrow, she will embark on her next mountaineering expedition, leaving behind the familiar and venturing into the untamed wilderness of the Indian Himalaya. With an overnight train journey awaiting her, she is consumed by the task at hand—packing her rucksack meticulously, ensuring she has everything required for a self-supported, alpine-style climb of a 5000-meter mountain somewhere in Spiti. This is the moment she has prepared for, the culmination of her training and dedication. The time has come to test herself and to embrace the purest form of alpinism and the sense of freedom it brings. § Tonight In the depths of the night, as the world slumbers, Maya's heart is filled with excitement and trepidation. She waits at the train station, her backpack slung over her shoulders, ready to embark on this transformative journey. By her side stands a trusted compa

Prayers, silent prayers, screaming inside your tiny little head

On 4th October, 2022, I was standing below this, not by accident, but by choice. It certainly was not my first close encounter with an ice-fall. And that is precisely why I was afraid. How many times can one squeeze through an ice-fall and come out unscathed? It is a game of Russian roulette baby! It is only a matter of time before it gets you.  I was belaying Lakpa and he was climbing fast. We were searching for a passage to the higher ground and this seemed to be the only gateway. I was there below this particluar serac probably for 10 mins or may be it was slightly more. But boy it seemed like eternity.  Suddenly it seemed the seracs around us were collapsing in real time. They were crashing around us like little thunders. I could feel the vibration of the rumbling avalanches on the tiny belay stance of mine. Gosh the stance was littered with debris too.  What were we doing there? Our morning's boldness was quickly evaporating. Caught red-handed, we were the trespassers in this